Language change in stable bilingulism | University of Texas at Austin | February 28th, 2024
Invited lecture “How can large corpora contribute to studies of speech phenomena in smaller datasets?” and tutorial “Conditional inference trees and random forests” | University of Turin | December 15th, 2023
What do bilingual discourse organizing elements tell us about agency and automaticity? | Workshop “Agency and Automaticity in Variation” | Tilburg University | July 11, 2022
The role of context in analyzing variation in language mixing: Listener responses in German-Bosnian/Serbian bilingual speech | Workshop “Codeswitching. Usage-based and related perspectives” | École des hautes études en sciences sociales | June 3, 2022
Rezeptionssignale in der Rede bosnisch-deutscher Bilingualer in Tirol: Individuelle Gewohnheiten oder Gemeinschaftsroutinen? | JenLing Colloquium of the University of Jena | 2021
Zur Variabilität in der bilingualen Diskursgrammatik: Rezeptions- und Vergewisserungssignale in der Rede bosnisch-deutscher Bilingualer in Tirol | Conference “Slawistik aktuell: Erinnerungs-, Hybridisierungs- und Transferprozesse in den slawischen Sprachen, Literaturen und Kulturen” | The Institute of Slavic Studies of the University of Graz | 2021
Verb insertions in Russian-German code-mixing: Reconciling tendencies and exceptions | Workshop “Language contact and language attrition in heritage languages” | LMU University of Munich | 2018
Verbale Insertionen im russisch-deutschen Code-Mixing | Slavic Department of the University of Tübingen | 2018
Die Rolle der Frequenz im russisch-deutschen Code-Mixing | Slavic Research Seminar of Vienna University of Economics and Business | 2017
Der Einfluss der Gebrauchsfrequenz auf die Struktur vom russisch-deutschen Code-Mixing | Linguistic colloquium of the University of Duisburg-Essen | 2016